How are things going? Overall, I could not possibly be happier with my CI. It has completely blown away even my highest expectations. I've been using essentially the same sound processing strategies (Optima P, ClearVoice medium, IDR 60) for about 5 months now, with minor tweaks here and there. The only time I even bother to change programs, is when I am in a very noisy situation like a restaurant, and want to use UltraZoom which allows me to focus on sound in front of me. How does music sound? This is probably the hardest part to explain, and is somewhat philosophical because I cannot possibly know how things sound to other people. As a child, I had only minor hearing loss, and I was an active musician with perfect pitch perception. So I also don't know what it is like for people who don't have good pitch perception. Another thing that makes it hard to explain: music through my CI is both infinitely better and far worse than it was with he...