Could air travel be any less HoH friendly??
I had to travel coast-to-coast yesterday returning from a very short-duration trip. For this reason my packing was extremely light and not well-thought-out. When I first arrived at the airport, one of my ear batteries died...doh. Oh please please please don't let the other one die. I checked all the stores in the terminal, and of course they don't carry ear batteries. Of course, security cannot be bothered to have any written instructions posted anywhere. Do they want your shoes on or off this week? The people calling out boarding instructions couldn't be more unintelligible as they scream into the microphone they are presumably trying to eat (why else would they cram it against their mouth?). When exactly are crucial places like airports going to become more friendly to those of us who cannot hear? I won't be forgetting spare batteries for future air travel, that much is certain.